Welcome desk and entrance to the visitors areaget close to the animalsRicky and his tribeLola and TofuPicknick table in the visitors areakids feeding the herdenjoying time with the animals in the pet zonenever too small to feed the animalsClive ChorizoMatao gets petskids love feeding the alpacasa a favourite for all: the xxl trampolineMiniture horses and donkeys enjoying kids feeding them willow branchesgot food?Ms Margrete loves cuddlesCurious Cliveplayful kittens hello!ThempTempeh loves playing……with the kids……through the fence…rescue calveskids can help bottle-feed…… our rescue calvesPepper Pig loves food and attentionWelcome visitors!Great day out for the whole family at the SanctuaryDru and Dunkan enjoying willow branchesPlaying in our cattery easy access to the animals on the elevated platforms around the sanctuaryYum!Miau:)